Basics of Toyota Production System that managers and supervisors should reconsider.

“Seeing is believing. Acting is more than seeing.” by Taiichi Ohno

Seminar outline

Title 【Free Web Seminar】 The key to cost reduction , TPS viewpoint and way of thinking
Seminar format Web Seminar (Zoom) After receiving your application, we will send you the URL by email.
Day 2020 Sep 14(mon) 16:00~17:30(Japan time)
Target person

To people who have these concerns

√ How can we reduce costs without spending money?
√ We can’t find an improvement method.
√ We can’t improve by ourselves anymore.

lecturer The shop floor improvement consultant who has improved factories of over 300 companies and lecturers who have supported shop floor of Toyota Motor Corporation for many years will give lectures in an easy-to-understand manner, including lectures and case studies.
Prices Free

Seminar content

At the TPS Practice Dojo, you will learn the basic knowledge of TPS, and acquire the “observe skills” that you can find the waste, fluctuation, and overburden by seeing the shop floor as Genchi Genbutsu (“Go and See”), the ability to think of “improvement”, and the “teaching skills” to teach subordinates how to improve.
Part 1 1. Toyota’s strengths
2. How to reduce costs
3. Cost reduction Toyota case
4. Key points for successful cost reduction
Part 2 1. Concept of “improvement activities”
2. Improvement case 1
3. Improvement case 2
4. Other improvement cases

Consultants from major companies
with experience in over 40 countries will respond.
Please feel free to contact us.

If you are in a hurry, please call us.

(Japan time)
Open 08:30 – 17:30
Except for Saturday, Sunday, holidays, Year-End and New-Year holidays