Our team is composed of Professionals with experience obtained through work in the most representative Japanese Manufacturing Companies.
List of specialized consultants by purpose
人材育成TPSトレーナーその他Human development5SIE工場の立上げ支援コスト削減リードタイム短縮生産性向上品質向上経営改善Quality improvement Cost reductionProductivity improvementInventory controlLead time reductionSafety improvement Human resources developmentIotTPS trainerManagement improvement Equipment maintenanceProduction technologyDXOthers工場の立上げ支援MATSUNAGA, Noboru
Toyota Motor Corporation OB, Headquarters Factory Group Leader (GL)
After joining the welding section of the Toyota headquarters factory, he was assigned as an instructor and teacher at Toyota Technical Skills Academy
He was involved in the new vehicle models launching and was an essential skill trainer for production at both domestic and international sites
ITO, Akihiro
Process improvement consultant
He worked for JIT Institute, Tokyo for 20 years.( JIT: Just In Time). During this period, he has learned Just In Time philosophy and method of improvement of productivity in manufacturing plant. Continuously he has been engaged in effective introduction process of Production Management System to small and medium enterprise and even big enterprise.
Maresuke Ishii
Experienced 20 years in Sony Corporation
Genba Kaizen, Overseas Expansion Consultant
He is very active at the forefront of Genba Kaizen and Overseas Expansions. As investigating either overseas expansion or business development, it always comes to conclusion that producing products effectively is the matter to be considered. Therefore, he has been making efforts to improve manufacturing work-sites and he has plenty of consulting experience at plants in varieties of industry over 10 countries. He gives Kaizen instructions are based on actual situation of firms.
ISHIGAKI, Tadamasa
Former Chief Leader of Headquarter plant, Toyota Motor Corporation (OB)
A hard-core craftsman on the shop floor who has supported the assembly group of the headquarter plant at the forefront. His strong feeling for the shop floor that he does not compromise attracts people. He has worked as a skill development group trainer and currently provides various shop floor trainings and guidance including the Toyota Production System.
SUZUKI, Mitsuru
Former Chief Leader of Vehicle Quality
Production Engineering Division at Toyota Motor Corporation (OB)
A hard-core craftsman on the shop floor who has supported the assembly group and company-wide vehicles BMC of the headquarter plant at the forefront. His strong feeling for the shop floor that he does not compromise attracts people. He has worked as a special skill trainer and currently provides various shop floor trainings and guidance including the Toyota Production System.
Field of expertise
#人材育成#TPS trainer
AOYAMA, Matsuki
Former Motomachi Plant Section Chief, Toyota Motor Corporation (OB)
He has been involved in GPC since its establishment and has trained and mentored a wide range of personnel from new recruits to supervisors in overseas human resource development.
Field of expertise
#TPSトレーナー#Human development
ORITO, Tsutomu
Toyota Motor Corporation
(Manager, Production Control Dept. at Head office factory / GPC)
(Production Management Department / Logistics Management Department Manager Level)
Profit improvements (break away from the deficit) Upon customer’s requests, I have improved domestic and overseas companies, for examples, productivity improvement, quality improvement, products and parts inventory reduction, logistics cost reduction, production lead time reduction, and human resource development for shop floor staff etc.
I also conducted a wide range of seminar courses.
HAYASHIDA, Hiromitsu
Former deputy plant manager of Tahara plant, Toyota Motor Corporation (OB)
He provides improvement guidance in accordance with the actual conditions of each company based on the Toyota Production System. He can also provide guidance on improvement activities for entire plant including Production Engineering Department, Production Control Department, and Purchasing Department. He has a wealth of experience in guiding for plants in a variety of industries.
Kouichi Ikemoto
Former Toyota Motor Corporation employee, Head of Press Production Technology Departmen
Practical guidance in the Toyota Production System. Specialist in press mold and press production technology. Provides practical instruction across a wide range of processes including pressing, welding, and assembly at affiliated companies.
Zenji Kosaka
Former employee of Toyota Motor Corporation, Deputy Plant Manager at the Head Office Plant
Practiced under the mentorship of Taiichi Ohno during the formative years of the Toyota Production System.
Adhering to the motto, 'Show by doing, explain by talking, let them try, and must praise to motivate people,' I promote improvements where people play the leading role. Expert in machining and assembly
List of specialized consultants by purpose
人材育成TPSトレーナーその他Human development5SIE工場の立上げ支援コスト削減リードタイム短縮生産性向上品質向上経営改善Quality improvement Cost reductionProductivity improvementInventory controlLead time reductionSafety improvement Human resources developmentIotTPS trainerManagement improvement Equipment maintenanceProduction technologyDXOthers工場の立上げ支援
3 reasons why we are chosen

Improvement experience of
more than 1,500 companies in 40 countries
There must be the shop floor issues that cannot be solved by your own company alone. Improvements and reforms for manufacturing industry to survive, regardless of country or industry, need development of your human resources through practical experiences of improvement, and strengthening of your production system base.

Consulting that shop floor workers
acknowledge our superiority and be pleased
In conventional consulting styles, there was a distance between consultant and the shop floor because it was promoted mainly consultant and management executives. Our consultant can provide a guidance without a distance between consultant and the shop floor through the guidance based on the “seeds of improvement” in a concrete way, instead of “finding fault” like a critic.

Continuous improvement will continue
even after the end of guidance
While strengthening “human resource development”, we focus on the “overall flow” from design to purchasing, manufacturing, logistics, and production control, and provide guidance that matches the actual situation of your company. Continuous improvement will continue even after the end of guidance through the guidance that is acceptable to the shop floor workers.
Consultants from major companies
with experience in over 40 countries will respond.
Please feel free to contact us.
If you are in a hurry, please call us.
(Japan time)
Open 08:30 – 17:30
Except for Saturday, Sunday, holidays, Year-End and New-Year holidays