Key Points to Achieving Zero Defects Thorough Implementation of 2S in the Cleanroom
2S (Sort and Set in order) was thoroughly implemented, leading to an improvement in the defect rate.
【Background】 Company A faced urgent demands for improvement due to repeated quality defects, leading to a concentrated effort to address these issues.
【Comments from the Consultant】 You might find it surprising, but many companies fail to thoroughly implement 2S, even in cleanrooms, where cleanliness should be paramount.
By conducting “Sorting” and “Setting in order,” quality can be improved. Conversely, in workplaces where “Sorting” and “Setting in order” are not practiced, quality defects are likely to occur. The improvements made this time did not require significant cost or time. It’s an improvement that can be readily implemented once one develops an eye for identifying problems.
Industry Details
Medical Device Industry
Company size
Approximately 100 to 300 employees
Improved quality control
Quality improvement
Improvement Case Study 1
**Before Improvement**
Before the improvement, parts were placed beside the workers, requiring them to turn around to retrieve parts, involving twisting motions (turning left to pick up with the right hand and then switching hands), which also led to unnecessary movements in handling the parts.
The work was being performed while sitting.
**After Improvement**
The setup of the workboxes was changed to a “candy store style,” allowing parts to naturally roll out in front of the worker.
The workboxes were positioned directly in front of the workers, enabling them to pick parts with both hands simultaneously (bimanual operation).
Switched to standing workstations.
Improvement Case Study 2
**Before Improvement**
Cables were cluttered and hanging in disarray.
There was dust under the shelves.
**After Improvement**
Cables were secured with cable ties.
The legs of the shelves were extended from 20 cm to 40 cm.
Switched to anti-static pipes (which do not attract dust).(YAZAKI)
Environmental measurements indicated that when there is a gap of more than 40 cm from the ground, dust is less likely to adhere to products. Additionally, a space of more than 40 cm makes cleaning easier.
Specialist in On-site Improvement
Koichi Kakizawa
Former Ricoh Employee, Quality Assurance Department & Manufacturing Technology Department
At Ricoh, initiated the Ricoh Production System based on the Toyota Production System. Later, provided practical guidance on the Toyota Production System to various other industries, including food, confectionery, and medical sectors. Focused on improving machine productivity, enhancing bottleneck machine capabilities, reducing the cost of conveyor production, constructing cell production systems (individual, patrol, division of labor, and segmentation methods), establishing trolley-pulled production methods, creating a 5S workplace culture, and practicing quality and equipment management.
Consultants from major companies with experience in over 40 countries will respond. Please feel free to contact us.
Improvement experience of more than 1,500 companies in 40 countries
There must be the shop floor issues that cannot be solved by your own company alone. Improvements and reforms for manufacturing industry to survive, regardless of country or industry, need development of your human resources through practical experiences of improvement, and strengthening of your production system base.
Consulting that shop floor workers acknowledge our superiority and be pleased
In conventional consulting styles, there was a distance between consultant and the shop floor because it was promoted mainly consultant and management executives. Our consultant can provide a guidance without a distance between consultant and the shop floor through the guidance based on the “seeds of improvement” in a concrete way, instead of “finding fault” like a critic.
Continuous improvement will continue even after the end of guidance
While strengthening “human resource development”, we focus on the “overall flow” from design to purchasing, manufacturing, logistics, and production control, and provide guidance that matches the actual situation of your company. Continuous improvement will continue even after the end of guidance through the guidance that is acceptable to the shop floor workers.
Consultants from major companies with experience in over 40 countries will respond. Please feel free to contact us.